Bridal Bouquet - Blue Bouquet
Your bridal bouquet should be a unique piece that reflects your personal style and can incorporate elements that echo what is special and meaningful to you personally or as a couple. From wild and rustic, to pure simplicity, to cascading grandeur, Plaisir Cadeaux et Fleurs can take your vision and make it a reality. Some brides know exactly what they want and others are more indecisive. At Plaisir Cadeaux et Fleurs we are here to assist you either way to create a bouquet which would compliments not only your entire wedding theme but most importantly your entire look. Our Head Designer will consider everything from the style of your wedding gown, to your colours, your height, your shape, your hairstyle and all that entails in making a bouquet to compliment you, not overpower you. We look forward to being a part of your special day! For appointments, call us on +97156 5687373 PLEASE NOTE: As flowers have various seasons, not all flowers may be available all year around. This will always be discussed during the personal consultation for your special bridal bouquet to guide each bride in selecting the perfect flower combination.
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